72 years after India became a republic. A great pride for every individual of the country 26th January is a day of national rejoicing.
This day is celebrated with pomp and show, zeal and spirit, throughout the country. ASIS family celebrated the republic with great éclat. The entire school was decorated with the heroes of the freedom movement and national flag.
Programme began at 7.45 precisely. Directors of the school, Amarjyotiba Gohil and Capt. Kiritsinh Gohil unfurled the national flag. The crowd saluted the national flag along with the national anthem. AJSV students showcased their band talent.
We were enlightened about the sacrifices made by the leaders in an inspiring speech by the student of SBPS. Spectators were thrilled by the state level winning dance performance by the student of ASIS Kumkum Vedani. Prices were given away by the Directors of the school, Amarjyotiba Gohil and Capt. Kiritsinh Gohil to the students who excelled in various curricular and non curricular competitions which includes khilkhilahat awards & Science model making awards.
We inaugurated Kidathon – A running /walking fitness movement for kids with the age group of 3 to 15.
In spite of the weather being inclement, it was a day of joy-filled with enthusiasm and a moment to take pride in being an Indian. A day worth commemorating and celebrating with immense joy and spirit.
May we keep celebrating this day forever.
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