Welcome to Amarjyoti International Nursery
Amarjyoti Saraswati International School is into a complete pre-schooling sector for children in the age of 2 to 5 years. The ASIS playschool caters to the children in the toddler Playgroup, Nursery, Lower Kindergarten (LKG). These programs differ from level to level and program-based activities are conducted to develop the skills of children in the playgroup sector.
Creative time
Nursery encourages many exciting ways of learning and attracts children towards the informal knowledge using real-life examples to grasp better. It brings out the creativity in the child.
E-Learning Class
A child is introduced to dusty knowledge about various subjects. Many activities such as reciting songs and rhymes help the children to connect with the printed content in the book.
Concept rooms
This program develops the pre-math skills of identifying, following, and repeating patterns to increase the recognition level of kids. It helps a child to learn a different approach to be used in various situations.
Gym time
This program helps in developing the gross motor skills in a toddler and inculcating a habit of exercising daily. Children at ASIS are fit, healthy and happy to exercise and have fun.
Nursery program is basically a foundation program to initiate the informal learning experience in the little buds. It engages the mind of a preschooler and helps him perceive learning as a mode of enjoyment and exploration. At Amarjyoti Saraswati Internationa Nursery Section, we involve children in different activities to observe the interests of the young ones in different arenas.
4.5 hours per day
Age Group
3 - 4 Years

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Nursery infrastructure
ASIS Pre-primary is set up in a warm, nurturing, well ventilated, safe and secured environment. The school has a lot of open space for children to express their excitement and develop their motor skills. It is well equipped with best of class specially designed Montessori apparatus and materials, play equipment, digital learning aids like LCD TV and learning software, own school transportation etc.
We have created an environment which is full of love, affection, understanding, care & learning. We groom your child to face this competitive world and environment and give them a great foundation in their most formative years.
Nursery Activities
- Cover a table with butcher paper
- Sticker mural like this Sticker Station
- Dress up
- Interlocking blocks
- Paint at the easel
- fruit loop towers
- Chalk at the easel
- Chalk on black paper taped to a table
- Ripping paper
- Cutting Play dough with scissors
- Shape, color, and size sorting trays
- Discovery or sensory bottles to explore
- Scoops and containers in the sensory table
- Lacing Beads
- Wooden Blocks
- Play dough with rolling pins
- Puppets or plush toys
- Sorting with tongs or tweezers
- A small balance beam
- Sit and spin
- Tunnels to crawl through
- Baby buggies & shopping carts
- Texture Box
- Shape puzzles like this easy DIY one
- Number magnets & puzzles
- Nature table or tray with a magnifying glass
- Musical instruments
- Baby care area
- Tool box/Tool bench
- Cash register to turn the play table
- Kitchen area
- Letter fishing game
- Letter matching tray activities
- Play phones for children to “talk” to mom, dad
- Felt board with story pieces
- Paper/envelopes/writing pads and writing
- Small chalkboards to write and draw with
- Plexiglass document stands with dry erase markers
Learning & Development
To introduce children to the seven areas of learning, we engage children in critical and shared thinking and encourage them to question why and how things happen. We encourage children to explore and learn through play, to be creative and to be active learners. Children learn best when they are engaged in activities which they enjoy, therefore constant observations and assessments of children’s progress are undertaken.
At Amarjyoti Saraswati International Pre-primary there is a wide range of after school activities, which provide a platform to explore and learn while having fun. Through a carefully drafted curriculum, we enable children to develop a lifelong love for learning. Our content has been designed using ETL learning, a world renowned methodology for teaching, which makes us rank among the top play schools in India. The methodology helps children to explore more and learn while having fun.
To Enable every child to discover the wonders of Childhood through creative play and social interaction.
To provide learning environment with a creative orientation & a unique education in English based on Multiple Intelligence Theory.
Nursery curriculum
- Pre-writing Strokes
- Standing & Sleeping line
- Left & Right Slanting line
- Left & Right Curve
- Up & Down Curve
- Capital letters ‘A-Z’
- Identification & Tracing
- Objects related to each letter
- Colours and shapes
- Awareness about good eating habits
- Saying ‘No’ to junk food
- Eat healthy food
- Importance of greenery
- Planting trees
- Road safety and traffic rules
- Story telling
- Independence Day craft activity
- Activities related to various festivals
- Use and making of animal flash cards
- General conversation about various seasons
- Sentence Structure
- I am a girl/boy
- I am studying in class nursery
- Vocabulary Building
- Words like Family, Home, Father, Mother
- Words like Sister, Brother, Grandfather
- Words like Grandmother, Son, Daughter
- Pre-Math concepts
- Same-Different
- Big-Small, Tall-Short
- Heavy-Light, More-Less
- Discussion on good health and hygiene
- Self grooming
- Dramatization of plays/scenes
- Health & Hygiene Week
- Use of dustbins
- Importance and purpose of animals
- Basic of thank you, please & sorry
- Difference between living & non-living things
- Discussion on protecting animals and birds
- Numbers Tracing & Identification
- Number and its value
- Number Sequencing
- Shapes Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle
- Myself, Body Parts, Family, Home, School
- Seasons, Summer, Rainy, Winter
- Transport. Road, Air
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Wild & Domestic Animals
- Preparing certain snacks
- Visit to the garden
- Rhymes
- Celebrating fruit days
- Welcome cards
- Making cards for special occasions
- Collage making
- Welcome craft activity
- Displaying family pictures in the class
- Planting and taking care of seeds in the garden
- Count and Match, Count & Circle, Count & Color
Latest news
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ASIS Pre-Primary Explores the Concept of Big and Small
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ASIS Pre-Primary Hosts Fun Scavenger Hunt for Parents
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ASIS Pre-Primary Students Enjoy Swimming Fun at Iscon Club
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