How you as a family can bond together and work through things, caring and supporting each other, even when the going gets tough, making the bonds and connections even stronger than before. Talking about things that are hard and how you are coping can be an eye-opener, sharing perspectives and solutions very empowering!
Providing stability, order, schedule, routine and a firm foundation amidst uncertainty is a huge responsibility BUT also an immense opportunity to remain connected with each other.
Communication lays a solid and important foundational element and nature to the family relationships and unit. It strengthens it and deepens the bonds, connections, trust and intimacy you share. Making it a home of comfort, reassurance and shared love.
After years of research, experts in child development and child psychology have come to agree that the ideal style for parenting is what is known as the Authoritative style. This is best depicted by a coach. In that role the parent guides and encourages a child to reach his or her true potential.